Pinhas Golan

Born in Hungary, 1924
1948Immigrated to Israel
1948-72Served in the army
1972-76Studied at the Ramat-Gan Art Institute
1981B.A. in Philosophy and Classical Studies - Bar-Ilan University
1985M.A. in Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University

Selected solo exhibitions

1989Artist's House, Tel Aviv
1992"Vicious Landscapes": Vigado Gallery, Budapest
1994"Partly Brightening": Yad Lebanim Museum Petach-Tikva
1999The Blocked Gate - Artist's House Jerusalem
2000"Combinations", Artists House Tel-Aviv
2000"Combinations", Theater of Jerusalem
2004"The Blocked Gate": Foundation for Memorial of the Murdered Jews of Europe - Berlin.

Selected group exhibitions

1987Artists of Herzliya - Herzliya Museum
1990Artists of Herzliya in Marl, West Germany Project of "Jerusalem of Lithuania", Museum of Jewish Culture, Vilna, Lithuania
1991Municipal Gallery, Kfar Sava
1995Bar David Museum of Jewish Art - Kibbutz Baram
1996"New Works in the Collection": Yad Lebanim Museum - Petach-Tikva
1998"Portrait of Israel's Women": Yad Lebanim Gallery - Raanana
99/00"Green Not Cement", Bialik House, Tel Aviv
99/00"On The Tip Of The Tongue", Bialik House, Tel-Aviv
2002"Artists from Israel" - Gallery Sulegarden Assens, Denmark
2002"Man and his Belief" - 20th Anniversary of the Bar David Museum, Israel
2003In Individual Mark, Municipal Gallery, Kfar Sava
2005"Sixty Years Six Million", "Office in Tel-Aviv" Gallery
2005"Actuality" Open Museum Old Jaffa

Works in Collections

The Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania
Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
Vigado Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Yad Lebanim, Museum of Petah Tikva, Israel
Bar David Museum of Jewish Art, Kibbutz Bar'am, Israel
Private collections in Israel and abroad

[Reviews] | [The Blocked Gate] | [Resume] | [Gallery]